There are so many people that we come into contact with in our lives on a daily basis. There are many that stick with us and serve many purposes. Our spouses to share most everything with, friends who have known us forever, co-workers that can get us through even the crappiest of work days, family members who are there no matter what, even our pets are great sources of support. The relationships we form are what can keep us going day to day. It’s important to have people in your life that you can turn to for support, help, a shoulder to cry on, to share recreational activities with, advice on things like parenting etc.
However, there can be a flip side to this and a shameless plug for the counseling profession. I have had several individuals in my office tell me that they come to see me for not only professional help, but it’s also nice to talk to someone who doesn’t know anything about them. One person told me a friend was a little hurt that she was seeing me, that the friend wasn’t good enough for support. Friends are WONDERFUL parts of our life and we need them. However, there are also those times that having an unbiased ear can be invaluable. Another person told me that he appreciates being able to talk to me and not have to “sugar coat” anything or worry about hurting my feelings. When we talk to others who are close to us about what is on our mind, we still have that filter on and take into account who that other person is to us and may leave out big parts of our thoughts and feelings. Having a counselor is beneficial to leave that filter at the door. Trust me, we have heard it all and won’t be surprised. Most likely what you are feeling and thinking is normal, but sometimes you need a place to get those things out, to sort through those thoughts and feeling s and gain some clarity and a plan of action.
I encourage you to keep talking to the people in your life who are the strong sources of support; we need them in our lives! Although if that extra clarity is what you desire, consider seeing someone about it as that is what we are here for!
I hope everyone is having a GREAT start to spring! It’s been a long winter for many of us with some crazy weather so please don’t forget to take care of yourself when you are tackling those spring cleaning projects!
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