Welcome to my blog! Thanks for taking the time to check things out and I am hopeful that you will find the following posts helpful. I currently provide therapy to individuals over the age of 18 and would be happy to speak to you further about your counseling and mental health needs. My office is located in St. Charles, MO and I can be reached confidentially at 636-925-3808 or e-mail me at ldenisonlpc@gmail.com.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude....

Oh my, has it really been this long since my last post?!?! Yup, sure has been! I do have a few excuses for that lapse, to be explained here in just a few. Thanks so much for all of you who might have been checking back for an update! Here's to another pledge to update this a little better!

Anyway, one of the main reasons I have lapsed, is that I have moved office locations!! I am quite excited to be closer to home and I am loving my new place. So my new info is as follows...
I am now in St. Charles off of Highway 94, near the Page extension/Muegge Road.  The official address is
2440 Executive Drive  Suite 210
St. Charles, MO  63303
Phone and Fax: 636-447-1902

So there is my change in latitude....as for my change in attitude, that's a bit more involved...

I had my second child almost two years ago and whoa was that a shock to my world. She completely changed my whole life in getting used to new schedules, new routines, having two people to get out the door in the morning etc..It's a year and a half later and I felt like I was still in the adjustment period. I was tired, grumpy, probably a wee bit hormonal and not the happiest lady on the planet. I chalked it up to major changes in my life and dealt with it. It's such a dilemma to love life and be unhappy and tired all at the same time. Due to a few other life circumstances recently that really tested my mental stamina, I realized that maybe something might not be right. So I made an appointment to see the doctor to rule out anything physical. I got what I expected at first, that I was probably just a tired mom with two young kids. But the doctor also did some blood work and lo and behold, they found I had a pretty significant vitamin D deficiency. NO WONDER I was dragging and moody!
So long story short, I got a prescription for helping this deficiency (not to mention spending more time with my kids outside as it is a medical necessity now) and I am feeling a million times better! Who knew?!?!?

So I ask you this, when is that last time that you ignored something possibly significant, because life was in the way, or you thought it was probably nothing?? Your physical health and mental health are linked sooo closely together and I would encourage you to talk to your doctor if something is not quite right. Sure it might be nothing physical (and in that case I can help you through that other stuff) but what if it is something that might be able to be addressed? Your doctor doesn't possibly know what's going on unless you make that appointment and tell them!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to summer and I look forward to hearing your comments to this and many, many more posts in the upcoming weeks!!!!

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