"If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything. "
Ernest Hemingway
As I scroll through Facebook, I truly admire all the people I know who make the commitment to take place in many different running activities. Whether it's a 5K, half marathon, or running across the country like Forrest Gump, I'm impressed! I know that these things don't come easy, you have to train your body to be able to take part in really any form of exercise. You don't set out to run that 5K in one day, your body needs to be conditioned to do so. In the beginning it's hard, but then becomes easier and easier and you find yourself being able to do things you didn't think possible.
The same holds true for our brain. And as the above quote says, you CAN train yourself not to worry. It takes time and commitment and often times help from someone else. I have had a large increase of individuals coming to me lately with anxiety over the "What If's" They are plagued with constant worry over things that "might" happen. And most likely a large percentage of the time, the what ifs never ever happen. It won't happen overnight and set backs are going to be there, but it is possible to be free of anxiety and worry. Honestly, it's easier to deal with the bad things in life after they happen. So here's my shameless plug for the counseling profession once again, if this is something you are dealing with, please seek out help. This is what we are here for, to help you find the tools within yourself to get over the constant worry and enjoy the things that are happening NOW!!!
Call for a phone consultation if you would like, I am here and ready to help! And if I'm not the one to help, I can help you find someone who will be able to get your life on track! Reach me at 636-447-1902.

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