Well, those are some words that usually come with a negative connotation! We tell ourselves and teach our children to share, to think of others first and to give of ourselves on a continuous basis. These are excellent traits to have, however, my question is, what’s wrong with being a little selfish from time to time?
It’s the holiday season right upon us and we are all just a little busy. Getting presents bought and wrapped, cooking, spending time with family, cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry and the list can go on and on. It is so easy to get wrapped up in it all that we can sometimes tend to get a little stressed out and miss out on the “fun” of the season.
My question is, what’s wrong with taking a little “me” time? We can be programmed to take care of everyone else’s needs first, and while that is not at all a bad thing, who is taking care of us? I challenge you to take an hour today or tomorrow and do something just for you! Read a book that has been sitting there, take a warm bath, take a walk, or shop for only yourself, watch a movie, whatever it might be that takes care of YOU!! You deserve it, you need it, you will be better in the end if you do! It’s true that when our stress levels are down, we are better able to tackle all the “necessary” things in our life and able to give more to others. So I encourage you today (yes, the week before Christmas) to do something just for YOU! Be selfish, it’s okay!
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